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PhD Thesis - First experiment
PhD Thesis

To evaluate the first dimension of our model, we ran a first experiment in 2021, between february and may. The aim was to study the adaptation in number of steps of a daily walking goal for the general public.

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PhD Thesis - Second experiment
PhD Thesis

Following the results of the first experiment, we improved our model and added a dimension of personalised motivational messages. We launched in march 2022 our second experiment to evlauate this particular dimension. The aim of this experiment is to study the adaptation of daily motivational messages for walking.

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HTML to TEX parser

While writing my PhD thesis manuscript, I ran into one major issue: my director wouldn't use LaTex nor even some online shared tool like Overleaf. So I had to find a way to convert Google Docs to LaTex, as LaTex is much more powerful for formatting templates, especially templates for an official document.

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